Costa Rica

Costa Rica: Green Tourism

The environment is in constant danger. Human actions and climate change are endangering the survival of our planet. Costa Rica is one of the most committed countries in the world in terms of environmental protection and the use of renewable energy. Where nature is mistreated in many places, this country has put environmental protection and conservation at the heart of its policies. The Central American country, despite being small in size, is home to more than 5% of the biodiversity of the entire planet, making it a place full of natural beauty and species of flora and fauna. The government is very committed to the protection of natural areas. There are 26 national parks in Costa Rica and a total of 161 protected areas, managed by SINAC (Sistema Nacional de áreas de Conservación), department of MINAE, the Ministry of the Environment, which deals with the park management. In Costa Rica there are many types of ecosystems, from humid and dry tropical forests to the paramo ecosystem of the Chirripò, an ecosystem that contributes to combating climate change, managing to retain CO2. SINAC works closely with local communities, which deal with hospitality and food in parks. There are other associations that deal with the protection and rescue of wild animals. Other associations such as the ASVO (Asociacion de Voluntarios para el Servicio en las area Protegidas), an association present in many places in Costa Rica, deals with conservation and environmental protection, sometimes even in national parks. Their activities are monitoring, protection and conservation of fauna and flora. Volunteers clean up and study the beaches, instruct park visitors on what is dangerous to animals, and protect the fauna and flora, such as turtle eggs. In a country where tourism is one of the main resources, environmental protection is essential. Costa Rica has taken the issue of the environment very seriously, and, thanks to the many organizations operating in the country and the laws that the government has issued to protect the environment, nature is well protected and remains dominant in the country, making it one of the most biodiversity-rich countries in the world.

Published by National Geographic Latam.