Gianmarco Di Costanzo was born on 31st July 1990 in Naples, Italy. He is a photographer, reporter and videomaker. His reportages and photos have been published by magazines and newspapers such as National Geographic Latam, Nature, El País, Il Venerdì, La Repubblica, La Stampa, Specchio, Green & Blue, HuffPost Italia, Die Zeit, Animan and Rhythms Monthly. He has covered the earthquake in Morocco in 2023 and the report The Divide about the division between rich and the rest in Morocco for Oxfam International. He has win the bronze at PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris 2023 in the section Press/Travel for the story “Fasika, the Ethiopian Orthodox Easter”. He has collaborated with Oxfam International, Jordan Tourism Board (Visit Jordan), ICT (Instituto Costarricense de Turismo) and with SINAC (Sistema Nacional de áreas de Conservación de Costa Rica). He has exhibited photos at the collective exhibition “Tremiti: the East Arcipelago” at the “Festival della Letteratura di Viaggio” in Rome and at the collective exhibition “A Passage to Ethiopia and Eritrea” in Asmara and Addis Ababa, and multimedia exhibition in Macro Contemporary Art Museum in Rome.