Ethiopian Orthodox Curch

The Christian belief has been part of Ethiopian culture for centuries. The Coptic Christian faith is the most widespread in the country. Ethiopia also founded the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.
The country hosts ancient monasteries and churches, especially in the north, some dated centuries: from the Gheralta mountains in the Tigray region to Lake Tana, up to large cities such as Axum and Lalibela.
According to an ancient tradition, Ethiopia would host the Ark of the Covenant. Legend tells that the ark was a gift from King Solomon to Menelik I. Some stories tell that it is located in one of the monasteries on Lake Tana, others that are located in Axum.

The project win the bronze in Prix de la Photogrpahie Paris 2023 in Press/Travel/Tourism.
Text and photos have been published by Animan.
Some photos have been exposed in Addis Ababa, Asmara and Rome.